Monday, May 23, 2011

American breakfast, part....

If someone says dreams don't come true, this is exactly the opposite. The dream of delicious, fresh and puffy, soft and crispy. All at the same time. The dream of having waffles whenever we want. Tyler always kept saying how he loves waffles and I was looking for a graduation gift for him, so I decided to buy a waffle maker. The biggest present for him is me preparing them every weekend, though. It's not a big hassle and it gives us a delicious start in our weekend. It's a treat we both deserve after working our asses off all through the weekdays.
Last weekend we started our waffle making experience with preparing the basic batter and serving them with fresh strawberries, blueberries, whipped cream and maple syrup. Delish! I hope I encouraged you to get your own waffle maker.


  1. W moich ostatnich gofrach brakowało właśnie bitej śmietany, bo to jednak bardzo ważny element gofrów;>.

  2. Twoje gofry wygldały pięknie. Zbieg okoliczności, że piszemy o tym samym lub lubimy jeść to samo? Być może, ale na pewno twój Foodmess jest jedną z moich inspiracji.
