Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Wedding photography with Sasha

It has been really fun weekend. A friend of mine who is an amazing wedding photographer asked me if I would help him with a wedding shoot. As you probably guess I got almost ecstatic and it didn't take me a minute to say "Yes, I'm coming!".

The wedding took place north of San Francisco in the vineyard in Sabastopol. The adjusting ranch belongs to the bride's parents so the atmosphere was really laid back. It must be great to get married almost "at home".

I have been following Sasha's creativity for a year and a half and I love his art more and more. He became sort of an inspiration for me and now I'm even happier to be there with him. I learned much more with this hands-on experience than I could possibly learn studying books for hours. It was truly priceless experience. Thank you Sasha.

Also Sasha took some snapshots of me. I thought I might share this too.