Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Airplant

I regret not having time to write any blog entries recently. Things are getting dense and we both have been busy. Let's admit: writing this blog is not the goal of my life. But anyways I enjoy it.

Our apartment is pretty modest and we don't even have a lot of furniture. Two prints and one painting on the walls, and that's it. No pets and almost no plants. I say almost because I got two succulent plants from my mother-in-law. I miss having more fauna (read: dog) and flora (read: plants), so I got myself a little treat. It is a small plant that doesn't need to grow in soil. It can literally hang off from the wall. It's called the airplant. Mine is situated in a small glass bowl and sits on some little round rocks. All I need to do every week is to take it out of the bowl and deep my airplant in a cold water for one hour.
I am quite excited to have it and to watch it grow. I don't know what size it can achieve but this one is still pretty small.