Saturday, July 30, 2011

Excursion to the City of Cambridge

I need to say something about the purpose of the trip to Europe. I didn't mention it in the London post, so I'm doing it now: we are thinking of relocating to the Old Continent. We are both searching for a place to continue our postgraduate education and eventually settle down. This is the reason why we wanted to research some schools and meet with people who could elaborate on the programs and requirements. We also wanted to visit the actual cities where the schools are located to see if we liked them. While in the UK we took a train to the town of Cambridge to see the famous University of Cambridge where Tyler had a meeting with one of the department's staff member. The meeting went well and afterwards we were able to spend some time in the cute old town.

The weather didn’t make it easy for us, as it was rather chilly and rainy. Nevertheless we didn't give up and we still took a nice stroll followed by a traditional fish and chips dinner. I really liked the old town, with the University of Cambridge founded in 1209, it’s the second oldest University in Europe. Bikes are the most common form of transportation and could be found everywhere. The colleges remind me of Krakow's university district (with Collegium Maius or Collegium Iuridicum). They are well preserved, clean and look really historic. I felt I could stay there much longer if the weather would only improve. After two days in busy metropolitan London, visiting Cambridge was a refreshing change.

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